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Saturday, February 22, 2003
Erich Sokol 1933-2003 ![]() Best known in North America for his lush gag panels in Playboy, cartoonist Erich Sokol passed away on Thursday night in his native Austria at the age of 69. He also contributed pieces to Harper's and the Sunday Telegraph. In Europe, Sokol was much better known. The Austrian news is filled to the brim with this story, while I didn't hear about it until stumbling across a thread on Shane Glines. Sokol worked on a Viennese "worker newspaper", became the director of Österreichische Rundfunk, which is an Austrian broadcast company, released numerous books, was given the title of Professor just last month, and received artistic awards too numerous to list. And yet, Playboy has yet to release a collection of his work. Happily, you can view a large selection of his cartoons at the aforementioned Shane Glines, who knows a good thing when he sees it. ![]() Initially, I was afraid the only image I owned of his was from a small black and white Playboy joke book, and his work really needs to be seen in colour. Happily, K + K of Crackers and Honey gave me an issue of Playboy for my birthday a few years back. I swear, I only read it for the cartoons. That and the Margot Kidder spread. Comics Community Honours Beloved Weblogger Speaking of my birthday, the kind folks over at Savant (link courtesy of Neilalien) have proclaimed March 3rd to be International Read a Comic Book in Public Day. While I appreciate their decision to place this event on my birthday, I must decline. If anyone wishes to join me, March 3rd will be International Read a Comic Book While Naked Day. I live in Ottawa, it's Winter, and I won't go outside if I don't have to. Pages can be difficult to turn when one has frostbite on the fingers. I Took the Dare! I found out about Sokol on yesterday as I was walking out the door to visit my brother in North Bay and didn't get a chance to post it. My guilt for this oversight was tempered by my brother's surprise for me. Daredevil! I don't think I have much to add to what has already been said in so many other places. However, I must say that I cannot wait for Halloween, and all the little kids running around with targets on their foreheads, throwing paperclips and peanuts into each others eyes. North Bay resident and cartoonist Lynn Johnston has been interviewed by the Seatlle Times on her upcoming retirement from the funny pages. As a Canadian, I am compelled to share any links pertaining to For Better or Worse. I've always admired Johnston for keeping the serialized comic alive, and making it seem effortless. Link courtesy of Egon. Mulch! Mark Evanier reports that Sergio Aragones now has a little teensy bit of content on his website, with promises of more soon. If you're not sure who he is, think the little figures in the margins of Mad Magazine, or just read his bio. In the meantime, he's fielding questions from his fans. Ask 'em if you got 'em. I check up on Derik Kirk Kim's Same Difference every few weeks because I like to get it in chunks. So it came as something of a surprise to me to read in Journalista that it has ended. Now that this big mama is all wrapped up, you have no excuse. Check it out. The mysterious Big Sunny D has been expanding on his comics entries, with recent writings on Hicksville, Stray Bullets, Eightball, and the New X-Men. While I don't always share his taste in comics, he writes damn convincingly, and with more frequency than myself. Since everyone else seems to do it, I thought it might be fun to review my recent comics purchases. I mean, why the hell not? I should loosen up a little. No one reads this anyway. The only problem with my plan is that as a student I don't really buy many comics, and very rarely current issues. My secret is out! That being said, in the time-honoured tradition of blog reviewers, I will give you a preview of what's on my plate. 8 Archie digests. 2 Archie double digests. 1 Mad House digest. Binky and his Buddies digest. Sugar and Spike digest. Jughead as Captain Hero #1. Little Archie #42. Veronica in Canada #1. 7 romance comics. 2 Spire Christian comics. Blackhawk #259. Bullwinkle and Rocky #25. Doctor Spektor #3. Measles #1. Blitzkrieg #1. Jungle Comics #5. That's well over 1000 pages of Archie comics alone. I bet you're just squirming in your seat in anticipation. Sunday, February 16, 2003
Take the Dare. Comicon has the scoop on the upcoming Spongebob Squarepants comic, which showcases the talents of such artists as Sam Henderson, James Kochalka, and most bizarre of all, silver age Aquaman artist Ramona Fradon. She contributes what looks to be a lovely tale of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, samples of which can be found at the link above. Dave Cooper is also among the artists on Spongebob, and there's a sparse article at CBC radio that's a little tricky to sort out, especially for a Luddite like myself. If you make it through, though, you'll get a lil' preview of Cooper's new cartoon, BugBirdGoat. Link courtesy of a thread on the Shane Glines message board. Take the Dare! Oh, I know I've mentioned this before, but if you love the comics you should really check out the Alex Toth fan page. You'll find handwritten articles from the maestro himself, entire stories scanned in a Page a Day, and best of all, the entirety of Bravo for Adventure - Annotated! It's just about the closest you'll get to a dvd in comics form. Bliss! TAKE THE DARE! In other non-news, Flat Earth checks out Journalista's ass. As if I don't feel enough guilt. I probably make half a dozen factual mistakes per entry, nevermind grammatical errors, and wasn't really expecting Dirk to correct himself over something so trivial. Just goes to show Journalista's integrity. Odds are if you're reading this you read Journalista. If not, please do. It's quite possibly the best comic-related anything on the internet. And please don't think that I'm some sort of pathetic fanboy, sitting in a dingy room that smells like sour milk, nitpicking other peoples' blogs and flipping out over the latest John Byrne sightings. TAKE THE DARE! Slushfactory has a sneak peek at John Byrne's exciting 3-D computer art. Avengers Assemble! TAKE THE DARE!!! Not since the majesty of The Phantom's "Slam Evil" has a superhero movie tagline inspired me with so much love. It's been less than a week since I've adopted Daredevil's "Take the Dare" as my personal motto, and already everyone wants me to shut the hell up. "Should I get a side order of rings?" "Take the dare!" "Does this dress make me look fat?" "Take the dare!" "I'm thinking of becoming a professional rodeo clown." "Take the dare!" "Do you think I should buy the Ultimate Spider-Man trade paperbacks?" "No." I've also started using the phrase "swimming in a sea of Hulks" as a term of satisfaction. For example, "My that was a good meal. It was like swimming in a sea of Hulks!" This term was inspired by a particular segment of the pants pissingly funny Title Bout. Found courtesy of an old Journalista entry. yeah, I know I've mentioned Journalista twelve times already, but credit where credit's due. Take the Dare, already! |